Home Winery SA Craft beer community campaign to get its brews onto supermarket shelves

SA Craft beer community campaign to get its brews onto supermarket shelves

by InnsCape

Today there are more than 200 craft breweries across the country but you can’t buy beer from a single one of them in a supermarket. The Craft Brewers of South Africa believe it’s time for a change. 

“I’ve always found it very strange that you could buy wine in a supermarket but not beer,” says leading beer writer Lucy Corne, who wrote an article on the topic earlier this year on her blog, Brewmistress.co.za. “I’ve heard all sorts of theories about why, but it simply seems to come down to the fact that the wine industry campaigned to get wine into grocery stores. The beer industry never has – until now.”

The Western Cape Liquor Act of 2008, section 49(4) states: “The licensee of premises upon which the business of a retail food store is carried on, may not sell liquor other than table wine.” 

“I think from a consumer’s perspective it’s a point of convenience – if you can buy wine in a supermarket, which generally has a higher alcohol content than beer, then why should you not be able to buy beer? It should be a choice that the outlet owners can make to cater to the needs of their customers”, says Cath Shone, Marketing Manager of Striped Horse craft beer. 

Backed by the Craft Beer Association of South Africa (CBASA) and powered by a handful of passionate beer lovers, brewers and beer journalists, #LetUsBuyBeer aims to change the 2008 act and they’re calling on the public to help.

Food24 resident beer writer, Karl Tessendorf of Beer Country says, “South African craft beer has come a long way in a short time. We’re producing world-class beers in a country famous for wine, so why shouldn’t we enjoy the same supermarket privileges? Support #LetUsBuyBeer and let’s make it happen.”

Originally published on – www.food24.com

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